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Back to the Grind
  Babygrand, Oct 23 2008

Well for the hopefuls like myself, positive energy thoughts do not always work. The other day as tournament went on break entering the FT of the 100r I went outside, took a deep breath, and was never as confident and positive I was going to win as this. First hand KK < AJ for 2nd place stack. FML. But that is fine. I am still remaining positive. But channeling positive energy wont change the cards.

I am noticing more and more some of the 5/10 and 10/20 regs dropping limits and increasing tables. When I play 5/10 and 10/20 I only like to 4-6 table. But anything below that I can 20 table. Looking at my graphs on PT, I dont know why I am even attempting the 5/10 10/20 games. Wait, yes I do. I'M A DEGENERATE. I make more profits at 1/2 per table than I do at any other limit. Not even considering BB size, straight up make more money. But being a 1/2 player is embarassing. My best friend plays 200/400. But I need to put my ego aside. This is a business. I make 7 BB/ hr at 1/2. And I can 20 table. That is a stellar wage. There is no reason for me to move up limits. If I can actually convince myself this, I can stop having 30k losing days.

No matter how bad I run at 10/20+ it doesnt matter. I suck at higher limits. Who cares? I just can't take the stresses of losing 4 pretty little yellow chips or God forbid a light blue one. It is a gut wrenching feeling for me. I am not in this to suck off other people or to get sucked off myself. I am in it for one reason: MONEY. This job pays better than any job I can get. I can make $200 or so an hour, never gamble and never stress. WHY DO I HAVE TO TAKE SHOTS AND KILL MY BR EVERY SINGLE FKN TIME I HAVE SOME CASH? Let's hope I can come to the realization that I am a 1/2 reg and the only shots I take come with a lime and salt.

FK poker.


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Positive Energy... Does it really #$%@ing work?!?
  Babygrand, Oct 14 2008

This past month has been the biggest roller coaster of my life/ poker career. I am a full time cash game player, but i am down like 25 out of my last 30 sessions. (Maybe even worse, I dont want to check PT cuz it is so bad) Every single time I sit I just know I am going to lose. I got perfect runner runnered by PoorUser and coolered a buncha times. But I just know it's going to happen. I know I am going to lose hands. I am 2 or 3 for my last 30 or so largest pots of $2500+.

I am the biggest critic of things like The Secret and other "energy" driven psychotic ideas. However, last week, I decided that I was going to be a psycho. Two days I guaranteed 5 figure days and performed focus and positive thinking "rituals" during every break. Ya, really weird. But when your ass is gettin handed to you, you might try anything. I ended up FTing the super tuesday and the second chance last week. Then I was in the 100 rebuy on wednesday I think it was. I looked at my roommate and said, "This one is mine, good luck in the quarter mill, Im not kidding." And I ended up actually taking it down.

I kind of thought, finally some luck came my way. So I entered in more cash games, only to get crushhhhed again in a horrible way. And the sick thing is... I knew I was going to lose and just sat to make sure of it!!! I know I am not outmatched in these games. Every game I sat in I watched the table, marked a donk, and knew the regs like I always have my whole career when playing above 3/6. So is being negative actually costing me session after session? I know experienced players know exactly what I am talking about. You know when you are in a hand and u just know 100% the 3 outer is hitting? And it hits.

So am I crazy thinking that positive thinking and energy might be possible? Never in my life would I say something like this until this week. I dont think that I will ever not be superstitious ever again. Even if it doesnt help I know 100% that it can't hurt. I will never be sitting in a game where I am not 100% positive and confident. (Not confident in my ability to beat the game, confident that I am actually going to beat the game. That nothing can stop me, even beats and coolers). I know a buddy of mine who plays $5200 HU SnGs. If he has a losing session, he sits $200 HUs until he logs a positive session. It gets his confidence back and gets him thinking positively.

So from now on I think I am going to perform kind of a positive mentality ritual, just to add one more thing to the equation. Before every session I am going to walk out on my balcony, take a look at the Chicago skyline, take a few deep breaths, and enjoy life for a few moments. If I lose 3-4 buyins at 10/20, i'll drop limits and continue my session. I will continue dropping until I can log a positive 3-4 buy-in session, and then jump back up to the 10/20 game.

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Poker $$ Investments
  Babygrand, Feb 17 2008

Last Quarter I met a famous European actor who runs a hedge fund firm in Hong Kong. He receives free advisement from Suneil Mahindru, one of the best advisers on the globe. These guys got me 22% return on my money last quarter and are the real deal.

So why does this matter to you? Well, I set up a direct transfer from my poker account to my investment account. The principal is 98.5% guaranteed (if the portfolio loses money for the first quarter in history, you only lose 1.5% for fed fund charges) to the point of an Asian market collapse. The guy that runs it is intrigued by poker, so he set up his own poker account. We worked out details from there.

So if anyone wants to start investing poker $$, let me know. It is a good way to get rid of some of the short term risk of a big bankroll.

P.S. I know I wasn't going to post on LP anymore, for those who read the chaotic thread. But I like LP aside from a few ass holes. And Nazgul was kind enough to apologize for some of the mods actions. So I will continue posting.

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